Aspen Nail Laser

Toenail fungus is among the most common conditions in the US, affecting approximately 14-20% of the population. The hot, humid conditions of Florida makes this condition even harder to treat and control. Inherited portions of your fungal immunity may affect you for a lifetime and preventative steps may be advised in to keep your nails clean and healthy.

Laser Nail Therapy for toenail fungus is an easy, painless, and convenient treatment that can help turn your discolored and disfigured nails into clearer, healthier looking nails. No more embarrassment about unsightly feet. This safe procedure uses a 30watt laser to target the fungus under the nail and does not harm the surrounding skin. Typically, toenail fungus is cleared up in 2-3 Laser Nail Therapy treatments.

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Aspen Pinnacle is a Class IV FDA-cleared laser used for treatment of nail fungus (onychomycosis).?

  • $100 ENTIRE FOOT